Raquel started her journey months before we actually worked together. Her PCP recommended she join my email list after sharing about her low energy, anxiety, and struggle to feel well postpartum. She was one of my most engaged subscribers, implementing my tips/tricks and sharing her results with me. As you can imagine, I was so excited when she ultimately decided to sign up for 6 months of health and life coaching in Mama Restore. Raquel had some physical health complaints (like low energy and slow digestion) but her biggest focus by far was managing stress. Over the course of 6 months I watched her not only tackle a gut healing protocol but also conquer some of the limiting beliefs holding her back from prioritizing herself. I can’t really put into words how exciting it is to coach someone who really internalizes and uses the tools you teach them. Raquel was a joy to support and I’m so incredibly proud of her progress.
– Amber Frauenholtz, NTP, RWP
“OMG this program… LOST is one word I would describe myself when I first started Mama Restore. God has a way of sending help, and he sent me the help He knew I needed with this recommendation from my PCP. Amber changed my life in so many ways. I was a new momma to 2 under 2 and, in the same time my second baby was born, I lost a parent. Grief, loss of self, anxiety, and worry… all at once. It was a whirlwind I didn’t know how to navigate through.
Mama Restore was the best calling I could ever hope for. She taught me lifelong skills and set the foundation for continued success! The WORK is not easy but man is it so worth it! Life is too short. I’m doing the best I can. With Amber’s help, I have found my love of journaling again, my love for movement, and have made a relationship with self care. The best gift I can take from her.
Thank you Amber for all you do for us mommas. It means so much.”
– Raquel M.